About TSF Thailand

TSF Thailand is a company based in Thailand with a highly skilled team that can help you get a visa to visit, travel, study, work, or to live permanently in the UK, USA, Europe, Australia, and many more countries.

We specialize in successfully applying for Thai citizens but we can also help other nationalities living in Thailand.

TSF Thailand is based just north of Bangkok and have a team of professionals working for us that are familiar in most immigration processes. We can help get through the whole application process from start to finish and advise you on how to best apply with a good success rate.

Our agency will take the stress out of visa applications and give you the right advice for your particular circumstances. What this means is that we understand that people have different lifestyles and may not have a straight forward case. We will ensure that you are represented in the best possible way and explain your situation in a clear and professional manner.

What is also special about us is that we provide a service where you do not have to leave your home and visit us. We can communicate through the phone or email and complete your application quickly. This means that you do not have to take any time off work or travel far to see us just to make your application.

Our service includes:

  • Our service cost does not include the embassy fees as you pay these directly to them.

  • A telephone consultation to advise you on the best way to apply for your visa. This will include a consultation where a member of our team will talk about how best you should apply for a visa.

  • All of our applications are tailored to each person. We do not use templates and make standard practice applications. What we prefer to do is speak to you and find out exactly what you do and why you want to travel. Then we will write letters, advise you on particular documents, and prepare a visa application suited to you.

  • Currently we are offering UK Visas, USA Visas, Schengen Visas, and Australian Visas. If you require any other country please call and we can work with you.

  • After contacting us we will email you our company questionnaire for you to fill out. Don’t worry as this is in English and Thai language.

  • We will advise you on what documents you will need for example letters of employment, bank statements, and accommodation bookings.

  • Our service is fully inclusive of any letters that you may need. We also write various explanation letters fully detailing any confusing parts of your application. For example, this could be clearly explaining your current relationship or living status.

  • Any short-term or long-term students are welcome. We can make applications for all types of courses, so if you are taking a short language course, have been invited to a conference, going to a summer school, or want to study a degree overseas we can make an application for you and make sure you have the right documents.

  • Our service is available out of normal working hours as we understand that you may suddenly have questions or are in a rush to get your visa. Also, we understand that there are time zone differences and we will communicate with friends and family in other countries during their day time hours.

  • We offer a translation service at a cost of 600 THB per documents.

PLEASE NOTE that we do not process visas for foreigners wishing to stay in Thailand.